Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Probables in university

Unit I
Explain current division law and voltage division law.
What are Kirchoff’s laws
Explain the various steps in Mesh current analysis and solve problems based on loop analysis for the given circuit(using cramer’s rule, do more problems for practice.)
Explain the various steps in Nodal analysis and solve problems based on nodal analysis for the given circuit (do more problems for practice)
Find out the equivalent resistances for the given circuits(do more for practice)
Unit II
Define Phase difference, and phasor representations for an alternating quantity
Draw a circuit containing only Resistance and inductance /or Resistance and capacitance only and express the equations for the impedance of the circuit with vector and phasor representations.(see problems)
Explain Norton’s theorem and its steps (theory)
Find out the current through given resistance in circuit using Norton’s theorem.
Explain Thevenin’s theorem and its steps(theory)
Find the current passing through a certain resistor using Thevenin’s theorem
10. Explain the steps involved in superposition theorem and solve the following problem to find current through resistor using superposition theorem.
Show that in a balanced 3 phase load delta connected circuit
i) *****ii)******** (also study star connected circuit)
Explain Maximum power transfer theorem to prove that (adopt thevenin’s method to solve)
Explain the star –delta conversion , and delta – star conversion of resistances.
Unit III
Explain the two types of flow in a semicoductor and discuss the working of pn
junction with its characteristics. Bring out diode approximations.
Explain construction and working principle of Zener diode and discuss how it is
used to construct zener voltage regulator.
Explain the construction and working of N channel JFET with drain characteristics.(see problems)
Explain with necessary diagrams , the working of N channel E or D mosfet with characteristics curves.
Discuss in detail the construction and working of SCR .
Unit IV
19 Explain the construction and working of Choke input filter and deduce expressions for efficiency and ripple factor.
20 Explain the construction and working of capacitive input filter and deduce expressions for efficiency and ripple factor.
21 Explain the construction and working of half wave, full wave, and full wave bridge and bring out their efficiency and ripple factor (all independent questions)
22 Explain the construction and working of biased CE transistor with input and output characteristics . Also discuss the working of CE transistor as an amplifier with frequency response curve.
23 Explain the construction and working of JFET as an amplifier. Explain how you can obtain Dc load line on its characteristics.
24 Explain the LC / RC oscillators in detain and length and bring out its frequency equation.(colpitts/Hartley/RC phase shift /wienbridge)(see problems)
25 Explain the theory of sinusoidal oscillations and bring out Barkhausen critierion.
26 Explain the pin diagram of 555 Timer and explain using 555 timer
a) monostable multivibrator b) astable multivibrator with duty cycle
Unit V
27. Explain with neat diagram of Op-Amp ,Inverting and Noninverting amplifier
and deduce voltage gain of Op-amp amplifier
Explain with neat diagram of op amp, the summing operation and difference operation (subtractor), also deduce expressions for output volts.
Explain with neat diagram of op amp the Differentiator and Integrator
Explain the Low pass and High pass filter . What are the steps to design filters.
Explain the working of D/A converter and discuss operation of relaxation oscialltor.


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